
What is a CryoFacial?

The cryo facial, developed by Jonas Kuehne, MD has become an impressive method for bright, tight skin. Using a controlled beam, vaporized liquid nitrogen is applied to the face and neck to help stimulate collagen production, increase rejuvenation, improve elasticity, refine the pores, and give a brilliant glow to the skin. Additionally, the cold strengthens hair follicles on one’s scalp, eyelashes and eyebrows.

The essential objective of facial cryotherapy is to lower the temperature of the skin with a gentle stream of cold air, to activate collagen production in the deepest layers. This brilliant treatment enhances the skin’s capacity to rejuvenate itself, regain elasticity, shrink pores and even contours the neck area to reveal a slimmer and tighter jawline.

Our 10 minute cryo facials offer immediate radiance and after 5-6 sessions permanent improvement is visible in the quality of your skin. You can thank us later!

What are the benefits of CryoFacial?

– Stimulates Collagen Production
– Tightens Skin
– Reduces Pore Size
– Triggers Hair Follicle Stimulation
– Treats and Soothes Eczema and Psoriasis
– Improves Blood Flow and Circulation
– Reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
– Brightening of dark spots
– Glowing skin